Steff Kunz
Steff Kunz studied cultural sciences at the Europa University Frankfurt (Oder) and completed their master's degree in Gender Studies at the Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin in 2017. Since March 2021, Steff Kunz has been a research associate at the Institute for History and Ethics of Medicine at Heidelberg University in the cooperation project „Alleinstehende Frauen“, „Freundinnen“, „Frauenliebende Frauen“ – Lesbische Lebenswelten im deutschen Südwesten (ca. 1920er-1970er Jahre). The tasks in the sub-project "Medical and Scientific History Perspective" include the review of patient files, which are read que(e)r on basis of the reconstruction of discourses about lesbian* women within psychiatry and medicine.