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Elisa Heinrich

Elisa Heinrich

Elisa Heinrich

Elisa Heinrich specializes in the history of gender and sexuality in the 19th and 20th centuries, memory politics and biographical studies. Currently she is Guest Professor for Biographical Studies and Queer History at the Department for Contemporary History, University of Vienna, where she completed her PhD in History in 2021. Her dissertation by the title ‘Intimate and Respectable. Female Homosexuality and Friendship in the German Women's Movement around 1900’ received the Michael Mitterauer Sponsorship Award for Social, Cultural and Economic History, the Prize of the Gender Studies Association Austria and the Johanna Dohnal Prize. It will be published with V&R University Press in 2022. She is a former Uni:Docs-Fellow at the University of Vienna, and held visiting fellowships at Cornelia Goethe Centrum, University Frankfurt/Main and at the Basel Graduate School of History.


[zusammen mit Johann Kirchknopf]: Zeitgeschichte & Queer Studies, in: Marcus Gräser/Dirk Rupnow (Hg.), Österreichische Zeitgeschichte/Zeitgeschichte in Österreich. Eine Standortbestimmung in Zeiten des Umbruchs, Wien/Köln/Weimar 2021 [Link: https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/10.7767/9783205209980.724].

Marginalisierte Erinnerung. Auseinandersetzungen um homosexuelle NS-Opfer im Nachkriegsösterreich, in: Homosexuellenverfolgung in Österreich. Geschichte und Nachgeschichte, zeitgeschichte 43 (2016) 2, 101–115.