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Open Letter Against the Closure of Goldsmiths University's Centre for Queer History

News from Aug 13, 2024

The Goldsmiths Centre for Queer History, which has delivered great work in London for years, is under threat of closure. Its director, Justin Bengry, has been threatened with redundancy. The official reason: cost-cutting measures. The Centre for Queer History was an important cooperation partner for the Queer Contemporary Histories Network and we hope that Justin Bengry will be able to continue his work in a different institutional context. The Queer and Feminist Studies Working Group at the European University Institute in Florence has written an open letter of protest to Goldsmiths management, which we fully support and are therefore very happy to share here on our website. The letter can be found attached below or under the following X link: https://x.com/EUI_QFG/status/1814242849044451648?s=19 

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