baf e.V. – Bildungszentrum und Archiv zur Frauengeschichte Baden-Württembergs
The baf e.V. - Bildungszentrum und Archiv zur Frauengeschichte Baden-Württembergs in Tübingen collects materials on women's and lesbian history in Baden-Württemberg from 1968 onwards (in part also earlier), such as: flyers, posters, independently published literature, files of associations and organizations, newspaper clippings, records and notes of women, projects and initiatives, photos, banners, audio and film material as well as a unique press archive. Many parts of the archive stock can be searched online.
You can find this stock and further information here:
Bi(-/+) Archiv Köln
The Bi (-/+) Archive in Cologne is dedicated to the history of bisexual lifestyles in Germany. They strive to provide more bisexuality and to offer a research place for all people who dedicate themselves to the topic of bisexuality/multisexuality with scientific but also personal work.
You can find more information under the following link:
Auswahlbibliographie zu LSBTI-Geschichte vom Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zum Beginn der neuen Lesben- und Schwulenbewegungen Anfang der 1970er Jahre
The selective bibliography compiled by Christiane Leidinger collects sources and secondary texts on LGBTI history from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the new lesbian and gay movements in the early 1970s.
You can find the bibliography here:
Centrum Schwule Geschichte Köln
The Centrum Schwule Geschichte 1984 e. V. (CSG) is an institution that belongs firmly to the gay community of Cologne and the Rhineland. It was founded in 1984 as the Gay History Working Group and is one of the oldest specialized archives on gay history in Germany. The CSG preserves the heritage of the gay community in all its diversity and thus passes on knowledge to subsequent generations.
For more information, please click on the following link:
Chronologische Bibliografie zur Geschichte der Homosexualität in Deutschland von Erwin Panhuis
The chronological bibliography on the history of homosexuality in Germany compiled by Erwin Panhuis covers a period from 1418 until today with collected sources and secondary literature.
You can find the bibliography, as well as Erwin Panhuis' blog, here:
Das Archiv der anderen Erinnerungen der Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld
Das Archiv der anderen Errinerungen wurde 2012 von der Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld ins Leben gerufen und hat den Anspruch mit ausfürhlich geführten und aufgearbeiteten Zeitzeug*inneninterviews die Lebenswelten von LSBTIQ* in Deutschland sichtbar zu machen. Seit Dezember 2013 sind bislang 92 lebensgeschichtliche Interviews entstanden. Kurz- bis mittelfristig wird dies ein Archivarbeitsplatz in der Geschäftsstelle der BMH sein, langfristig ist die Präsentation über ein passwortgeschütztes Webportal angestrebt. Es soll ein halboffenes Archiv entstehen, das sowohl für Forschung und Bildung als auch für eine interessierte Öffentlichkeit Aufschluss über LSBTIQ*-Lebenswelten in Deutschland gibt.
Die Videointerviews und weiterführende Informationen zum Archiv und der Arbeit der BMH finden Sie unter folgendem Link:
The European HIV/AIDS Archive
The European HIV/AIDS Archive opens a space to preserve memories of living with HIV/AIDS, civil society engagements and AIDS policies in Europe, to share stories and to learn from a variety of voices and experiences. At the heart of the collection are oral history interviews on the history and present of individual, social and political engagements with HIV/AIDS. Oral histories enable a lively and multi-perspective memory. The archive is intended to complement and expand upon the existing HIV/AIDS collections that already exist in different European countries. The collection includes interviews with people living with HIV/AIDS, activists, employees and volunteers of aid and health sectors, politicians, and artists on topics such as sex work, drugs, migration, prisons, LGBTI rights and queer politics. These interviews are supplemented with lists of art works and political documents.
Further information and a large amount of digital archive materials can be found under the following link:
Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv
The Digital German Women's Archive (DDF) is an interactive specialized portal on the history of the German-speaking women's and lesbian movements.
You can find it at:
Feministisches Archiv Bochum
The feminist archive ausZeiten Bochum was founded in 1995 after several years of development work as a project of the autonomous women/lesbian movement. The aim was to preserve the history of women, but also to keep looking at women today, at their activities in all areas of society, at their resistance to violence and interference in their lives by others.
In addition to the Bochum Women's Archive/Library Lieselle, which is located at the Ruhr University Bochum, ausZeiten was and is the second feminist archive for Bochum. The holdings and collection focuses differ and complement each other. Both Bochum archives are - besides the special archive of Madonna e.V. on prostitution - the only currently working women's archives in the Ruhr area.
More information can be found at:
Forum Queeres Archiv München
The association Forum Queeres Archiv München e.V. - LesBiSchwulTransInter* in Geschichte und Kultur has existed since 1999 and sees itself as the "memory" of the LGBTIQ* community. It is a place for people of different sexual orientations and identities and of all ages to meet and engage in constructive debate. In addition to the archive work, the association organizes events and projects, and continuously publishes three publication series with academic texts on working with and on queer history.
More info and an extensive online archive can be found at the following link:
esbische* Lebenswelten im deutschen Südwesten (ca. 1920er-1970er Jahre) - „Alleinstehende Frauen“, „Freundinnen“, „Frauenliebende Frauen“
The project "Single Women", "Girlfriends", "Women-Loving Women" - Lesbian* Lives in the German Southwest (ca. 1920s-1970s)" is an interdisciplinary research project at the Universities of Heidelberg and Freiburg on the political history, everyday life history, legal history and medical history of women-loving women in the German Southwest 1920 to 1970. In three sub-projects, biographical fragments and traces left by women-loving women* in the fields of politics, society, culture, justice, and medicine are reconstructed, filling a void in the history of women, gender, and sexuality.
For more information and blog posts, click here:
LLL e.V Lesbenarchiv Frankfurt am Main
The Lesbian Archive Frankfurt am Main is a project of LLL e.V. (Lebendiges Lesbisches Leben), the supporting association of the LSKH (Lesbisch Schwules Kulturhaus) and a member of i.d.a. Dachverband der deutschsprachigen Lesben/Frauenarchive, -bibliotheken und -dokumentationsstellen e.V..
For more information, see:
LSBTTIQ in Baden und Württemberg
The project is dedicated to the history of LGBTIQ in Baden and Württemberg: This means the history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, trans- and intersexual as well as queer people in Baden and Württemberg. The focus of the project is the time of the Nazi regime and the early Federal Republic. Until now, the history of LGBTIQ people has hardly been mentioned in the history of the state, which is why the project is now working to ensure that LGBTIQ people are given an appropriate place in public memory as actors in history. On the project website, the project gives you the opportunity to get informed and participate in the research of LGBTTIQ history - by telling your story as a contemporary witness, by helping the project to find sources, or by participating in project discussions.
The website can be found at the following link:
Projekt “Der Liebe Wegen”
The project "Der Lieben Wegen: Of people in the German Southwest who were marginalized and persecuted for their love and sexuality" has been doing valuable educational work since 2017 on the history of persecution of queer people in the area of today's Baden-Württemberg region from the 20th century onwards, with a focus on stories of persecution during the Nazi dictatorship. The project website offers an insight into the work, as well as guides to independently researching and working with stories of persecution.
You can find the website under the following link:
Projekt “Queer History in NRW"
The project "Queer History in NRW" is a coming together of several projects on queer history in NRW, such as the exhibition "In the name of the people!? § 175 StGB through the ages" and a symposium on queer history.
More info can be found here:
Sexuality and Holocaust Bibliography
The bibliography compiled by Anna Hájková focuses on research on women who were convicted and persecuted as lesbians during the Nazi dictatorship, as well as trans* people.
The extensive bibliography can be found at:
Schwules Museum Berlin
The Gay Museum* in Berlin deals with queer life stories, themes and concepts in history, art and culture through exhibitions, events and archival work.
You can find more information at:
Spinnboden Lesbenarchiv & Bibliothek e.V
The Spinnboden - Lesbian Archive and Library, is an archive and library on lesbian history in Berlin.
More info can be found at: